Peace of Mind Crystal Kit
Peace of Mind Crystal Kit
A small collection of crystals centered around keeping peace of mind for your spiritual practice!
The Peace Of Mind kit is a collection of four tumbled crystals with the intent to help promote calmness, self love, and relaxation. Also included is a piece of Palo Santo to help cleanse your crystals and space for your intentions.
Each crystal is completely unique and varies in size and shape. Crystal sizes ranges from approx. 20 - 25 mm
Palo Santo size is approx. 10 cm in width.
Amethyst -> Associated with peace and intuition
Citrine -> Associated with uplifting spirits and promoting joyfulness
Sodalite -> Associated with improving intuition and promoting relaxation
Rose Quartz -> Associated with promoting love and compassion
Palo Santo -> Associated with energy cleansing and purification